RCMP INSIST PROVIDING THE NAME OF THE PROVINCE WITH THE ONE PROTECTION OF LIFE CARRY PERMIT WILL ‘SERIOUSLY THREATEN THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF AN INDIVIDUAL’ – The Director of Investigations with the Office of the Information Commissioner supports the RCMP decision to withhold the name of the province and found my complaint to ‘not well-founded’. Letter from the Office of the Information Commissioner dated November 5, 2019 EXCERPT: “In addition to the information above, the RCMP provided our Office with examples of incidents where aggressive behaviour was directed at a specific person or persons under the witness protection program (and to whom a 20(a) ATC might apply). This information, in our view, established a reasonable basis for believing that the safety of a 20(a) ATC holder could be threatened (physically or psychologically) should the holder be rendered identifiable.”
EXCERPT FROM MY COMPLAINT LETTER: “I fail to understand how releasing the number of ‘Protection of Life’ carry permits could ‘reasonably be expected to threaten the safety of individuals.’ There is no way a number can be connected to an actual individual with a carry permit so how could it possibly threaten anyone’s safety?”
Most of the “bad guys” would be deterred by knowing their victim was armed. The most obvious exceptions are the security services and for them, the information is available, unlike for the rest of us. We know it can’t be Trudeau; he’s not a “straight shooter”…;-)
I want public inquiry into my complaint against PM mulroney and his administration to Trudeau and his administration CSIS RCMP CBSA CSE OPP OIPRD MUNICIAL POLICE FORCES CAMH CRTC STATUS OF WOMEN JUSTICE SYSTEM LEGAL SYSTEM HEALTH HOUSING EDUCATION FOREGIN AFFAIRS MUNICIPAL PROVINCIAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS 5 EYES GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE apology financial compensation $100 billion justice today