640 Firearms Lost – 173 Firearms Stolen (see attached for breakdown by types of firearms)
It only took 27 months for the ‘Open and Transparent’ Government to respond
RCMP ATIP File: A-2017-03711 – Filed April 1, 2017 – Received July 3, 2019 by Dennis R. Young



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Robert Campbell
Robert Campbell
8 months ago

I acted as Range Officer for a RCMP group on the range when I was in the military. They were the worst trained, hazardous people with weapons I ever encountered. SAD. I just let them fire enough rds to qualify then got them off the range before they injured themselves or someone else.
Sergeant Major Campbell, Greenwood, NS

3 months ago

You are so full of sh!t

Don Adamson
Don Adamson
1 year ago

It is amazing that they lost so many [in the space of 4 to 6 years: 2013-2017/2013-2019]. IF any private citizen had “misplaced” so much as 1% of this number, he/she would be locked up &/or in court for years!

3 years ago

I’m curious to know how many guns were lost or stolen from licensed gun owners during the same time period?


[…] if you take the statistic here: there are 813 firearms lost by or stolen from police over the last 15 […]

4 years ago

So let me see… we are allowed to shop on line for uniforms of police officers, we go on line and buy old cop cars at auction, and wait for a CRIMINAL to sell guns they stole FROM THE POLICE. And somehow law abiding gun owners, who have LEGALLY purchased guns, and gone to government courses and obtained government certification for the guns and to use them are the problem? WE HAVE A TYRANT IN OTTAWA. Can our military not remove him?

K2 shifter
K2 shifter
5 years ago

Somebody must post this on Bill Blair’s and Justin Trudeau‘s Facebook page and to take no chances send it to every MPs email.

5 years ago
Reply to  K2 shifter

Sent it to Billy

K2 shifter
K2 shifter
5 years ago

Somebody must post this on Bill Blair’s webpage Justin Trudeau‘s webpage and both of their email accounts

K2 shifter
K2 shifter
5 years ago

Somebody should send this to Bill Blair’s webpage.!!

5 years ago
Reply to  K2 shifter

K2 shifter “somebody should ” ? ????/ why not you do it…do not be afraid

5 years ago

Maybe the cops are selling the guns to the bad guys!

Linda Empringham
Linda Empringham
4 years ago
Reply to  maximus

I’m afraid that is more like it!!

5 years ago

Liberals have an open plan to confiscate guns from the Law abiding licensed gun owners under C-71, even they want to prohibit personal home gun storage and shift all guns in a mass storage under the vigilance of the government/police. What a joke. If the police cannot protect their own guns then how they will protect the guns in mass storage. Actually Liberals are making it easy for criminals and terrorists to get all arms from one storage, they just have to break it. Disarming 2.2 million lawful Canadian gun owners is a big conspiracy to give upper hand to… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  cool

that’s quite the moronic claim bud. And the Swiss keep their guns all housed in one place and have zero issue

5 years ago
Reply to  Tig

Sorry Tig, I lived there and every man within the age range did have all their issues weapons in their personal homes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tig

The swiss don’t keep all their guns in one place, most homes house a rifle.

Salvatore Polumbo
5 years ago
Reply to  Tig

Totally untrue. The Swiss have mandatory military trailing, each Swiss has their military weapons and ammunition in their homes. The only part you got right is “They have zero issues.”


[…] Dennis Young obtained a list of the number of guns lost or stolen by police or public agencies from 2005 through 2019 and the numbers might shock […]

Rick Woodland
Rick Woodland
5 years ago

It makes you wonder – how many were genuiniely lost or stolen, versus dishonest cops selling them?

Timothy Ries
Timothy Ries
4 years ago
Reply to  Rick Woodland

Try Cops doing drug busts and some of the illicit drugs, cash and weapons don’t make it into the evidence … Since when does a police officer take his 13 year old sons out to the country to fire off rifles that are fully automatic? Not in the Canada I know
Even Police have to have these locked up at all times … Welcome to the Canadian RCMP

5 years ago

Stolen is stolen, but how do you “lose” 13 SMGs? 10 in one year alone!

5 years ago

Thank you for all the great work you do Mr. Young and the many volunteers, I appreciate your time and knowledge. GY6 🙂

5 years ago

Justin ” pot pusher ” Trudeau, Billy ” no border ” Blair, Ralph ” good for nothing ” Goodale, Bill ” bullshit ” Morneau and the rest of the Liberal mice need to follow the piper right out of power come ” October ” . And not just on this issue, there are many and more reason to send this tyrannical/schizophrenic government.

5 years ago

I bet u will find most of them in policemens home in thier collection I know of a few that have a fairly large collection. More than a few are without permits

5 years ago
Reply to  Sanderson

Who polices the police and RCMP?

5 years ago

So let me get this straight. Trained professionals are losing prohibited weapons. How is that possible without being put in jail. Sounds like the police cannot be put in charge of their own crimes. Maybe gun owners should be the police watchdog.

5 years ago
Reply to  Richard

I agree!

Christopher Erickson
Christopher Erickson
5 years ago

1 Machine gun lost, 1 machine gun stolen….Machine gun??? Not a sub-machine gun such as an MP5 but a machine gun…A General Purpose Machine Gun?? Why do police have general purpose machine guns?? You want to talk about a firearm that has been designed to kill as many people as possible, THAT would be a general purpose machine gun….

Jim Mawhinney
Jim Mawhinney
5 years ago

As a former police officer of over 30 years I find the loss ,mis placement or theft of firearms from police custody ie officers and/or stations to be completely irresistible and shameful for that department.
There seems to be a large hue and cry about the possibility of some firearms being sold on the black market from legal owners when the federal police have allowed over 800 firearms to go missing (to the underworld?).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Mawhinney

I know a fellow targeted by a lying defective detective in the OPP, aided and abetted by one corrupt JP and another JP with the IQ of a candy cane, who enabled al illegal raid based on the ravings of a head case bureauCRAP who had criminally harassed him for decades. In the raid the victim has had two items stolen from his bedroom. A uniform does not make anyone honest, often it does the opposite.

1 year ago
Reply to  edward

Law enforcement of the OPP stripe are useful idiots of their political masters, mere Stasi and KGB vessels of dishonor and deception, embracing criminality in their sordid existences.

John Percy
John Percy
5 years ago

So what happened in 2015 to cause such a massive spike in lost and stolen firearms?

1 year ago

The CBC (Canuckistani Bigots & Cretins)are useless mouthpieces for hoplophobic fools.

John Olsen
John Olsen
5 years ago

I wonder why they are not charging themselves with unsafe storage? They sure as hell would charge you or I with it!!

Lee Smith
Lee Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  John Olsen

I wonder if Tim Hortons has a lost and found?

Bob k
Bob k
5 years ago
Reply to  Lee Smith

Tim Hortons lost and found that’s got to be the funniest shit I’ve ever heard in my life but I’m going to check either way

Brian Gorveatt
Brian Gorveatt
4 years ago
Reply to  John Olsen

Army would! Why not the RCMP?

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