RCMP PUBLIC COMPLAINTS COMMISSION HIGH RIVER REPORT – FINDING NO. 31: There is no information to support the claim that RCMP members breached any gun safes. Further, none of the residents interviewed reported that their gun safes had been breached. (Page 66)
FIRST HAND ACCOUNT FROM A HIGH RIVER GUN OWNER – Excerpt: Recollections from his interview with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP: “I related to him how my house was broken into and how a secured box that had a cable lock on it was opened with bolt cutters. Two trigger locked handguns were found inside and taken back to the detachment.” Name and contact information withheld by request – E-Mail dated March 1, 2018
NOTE:Â If any current or former High River resident wants to share their story, please send me an e-mail: dennisryoung@telus.net Â
CFP – PRAY THE RCMP DON’T LOOK AFTER YOUR TOWN IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY By Dennis R. Young – April 1, 2014 http://canadafreepress.com/article/pray-the-rcmp-dont-look-after-your-town-in-a-state-of-emergency