O.P.P. Firearms seized, surrendered, found, destroyed, and reported stolen: 2008-2018

Ontario Solicitor General FOIP response dated Sept 17, 2019 Received Sept 19, 2019 by Dennis R. Young
EXCERPT: “The ministry is unable to provide the information relating to numbers 7 to 19 on your list as the information is not collected in the manner in which you have requested it.”


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[…] SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 – O.P.P. REVEAL VERY LITTLE ABOUT THE CRIME GUNS THEY SEIZE Firearms seized, surrendered, found, destroyed, and reported stolen: 2008-2018 Ontario Solicitor General FOIP response dated Sept 17, 2019 Received Sept 19, 2019 by Dennis R. Young EXCERPT: “The ministry is unable to provide the information relating to numbers 7 to 19 on your list as the information is not collected in the manner in which you have requested it.” […]

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