Request for Review to Alberta Information Commissioner dated July 14, 2019 by Dennis R. Young

EXCERPT: The Government Services Sector failed to conduct an adequate search and consequently, failed to provide all the records I requested from the Office of the Premier and Executive Council. The public’s right to know and the need to rebuild trust in the RCMP is more important than withholding documents from the public and the media. Openness and transparency is required in our examination of the many Charter violations in High River following the 2013 flood.


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Ken Quick
Ken Quick
5 years ago

Thanks again for keeping after them all, Dennis. I find the amount of stonewalling and obfuscation you’ve encountered by all levels of both the Alberta and Federal governments and for this many years (so far) to be astounding. I can only surmise that something very embarrassing and/or damaging and/or possibly criminal is contained in the records (truth) about who did what on whose authority. Keep after them, bud!

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