UNKNOWN: Number of guns stolen from licensed gun owners.

UNKNOWN: Number of guns stolen from licensed gun dealers.
UNKNOWN: Number of guns stolen from licensed gun owners and dealers that were used in the commission of a violent offence.
EXCERPT #1: “Currently, there is no national repository for this type of information in Canada.”
EXCERPT #2: “The CFP does not collect or track statistics with regard to the origin of illegal or stolen handguns.
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s response to MP Brad Trost’s Order Paper Question Q-2479 – June 19, 2019 – Posted by Dennis R. Young July 10, 2019


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Mike G
Mike G
5 years ago

Unless there is a full and complete gun registry tracking who had what gun and the owner is required to prove they still have it annually, how can the guns be tracked?

Of course the government and the RCMP don’t track the guns, the law abiding gun owners don’t want you to know their gym was stolen

Gerry Williams
Gerry Williams
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike G

In fact, there is a full registry for all legally owned restricted and prohibited firearms. This will include all legal handguns registered in Canada either to a licensed gun store or by a holder of a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License. The transfer and sale of these firearms is highly regulated and “tracked”. The statistics requested should be readily available as relates to legally registered handguns. The balance of those recovered at a crime scene would (should) therefore be considered illegal firearms.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike G

If a registered firearm was used in the comission of a crime and recovered by the police the registration information is readily available through the RCMP CFP. The source of firearms used in a crime is not tracked or recorded because it would lessen the political position on further restricting legal gun owners once it is determined that most were not previously registered. This would indicate they were brought to Canada ilegally. We hope that if a gun was recovered ( registered / restricted ) that the police would be knocking on the door of the registered owner in the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike G

BS the gun owner reports it as it is costly to lose a firearm and they follow the Law.
Firearm owners also look to insurance like. You would a vehicle. Some firearms are worth thousands of dollars. You are very nieve if you think that they don’t report it stolen, the exception would be a unlicensed person then all bets are off as they don’t care anyway

5 years ago

More example to push law abiding gun owners into just being criminals. When you’re a criminal, u get to own guns without all the hassle and red tape.

Gerry Williams
Gerry Williams
5 years ago

So does this infer that “police forces”, other than the RCMP, are not required to comply with the Firearms Act reporting requirements?

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