RCMP RELEASE UPDATED AUTHORIZATION TO CARRY (ATC) STATISTICS BY PROVINCE – RCMP ATIP Response dated Feb 20, 2019 – Received March 6, 2019 by Dennis R. Young – Thanks to TheGunBlog.ca for the statistics and the photo.

  • ATCs issued for Self Protection from Human Threats = Exempted (See note below)
  • ATCs Issued for Employment = 6,688
  • ATCs Issued for Wilderness Protection = 224

NOTE:  The number of ATCs issued for Self-Protection from human threats withheld under section 17 of the Access to Information Act: “The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to threaten the safety of individuals.”  A complaint will be filed with the Information Commissioner challenging this exemption. QUESTION: How can releasing a number threaten anyone’s safety?


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6 years ago

I would suggest that releasing the “exempted” information would put the current gov’t and the pro-gun control crowd rather awkwardly at odds. The RCMP and CFP would look foolish in the eyes of…well…everyone. I agree that the numbers are likely much, much, much higher than one would expect given the rhetoric we’ve been fed for years. And none to few of “us” have ever known a soul who has been approved for these reasons. That is because the authorization is not given to “ordinary people” like us.

Please keep on pushing Mr. Young!

Randy Rose
Randy Rose
6 years ago

Keep the pressure on these jerks.
Not releasing a number? JUVENILE!

John Lecompte
John Lecompte
6 years ago

The reason they won’t release protection of life numbers is that there are far more than is publicly known,
specifically issued to foreigners coming into the country !

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