EXCERPT PDF Page 2:  “The CAF members assisted the RCMP in the removal of the firearms; however, this action was outside the restraints of the Operation Order.”

How is it possible that the 121-Page Report on the High River Firearms Seizures by the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission For the RCMP missed reporting this important bit of evidence?


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N. Salminen
N. Salminen
6 years ago

A lot of ass-covering being done by the RCMP and governments in this matter. We still don’t know who gave the order to break into locked residences and confiscate all firearms.

James S Cooper
James S Cooper
6 years ago

The results that happened will forever taint the respect I will ever have for RCMP. Someone’s head should roll for this crime against Canadian citizen’s.

Bob Edwards
Bob Edwards
6 years ago

Perhaps one day we shall see how our current government reacts in a similar situation. Knowing the rabbid Anti Gun attitude of the Liberals, they would in comparison make the High River affair look like a Sunday school picnic.

Guy Lapierre
Guy Lapierre
6 years ago

And now, who can you trust ?

Phil Hewkin
Phil Hewkin
6 years ago

CAF ; “we didn’t know kicking in evacuated Canadian Citizens locked/unlocked doors and taking their legally owned firearms is a POLICE STATE ACTION” EXACTLY LIKE NAZI WW2 German soldiers did (crystal nacht) I CALL BULLSHIT! The entire town was ordered evacuate and the CAF and RCMP were commissioned t make certain that Evacuee’s homes were NOT busted in and burgled. That’s what.

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