TEXT OF BILL C-346 – http://cssa-cila.org/wp-content-cssa/uploads/2017/04/Bill-C-346-An-Act-to-Amend-the-Firearms-Act-licences.pdf
BILL SUMMARY: This enactment amends the Firearms Act to eliminate the expiry of certain firearms licences and to provide for the relinquishment of licences. It also requires individuals to update their licence application information every 10 years and provides for the suspension of licences in certain circumstances.
Well Bob, The bill does not include an amnesty period for an expired or suspended license – there is a still a criminal record and possible jail term waiting for folks who neglect to renew a gun license. This bill does not fix section 91 of the criminal code of Canada – “Possession of a firearm is an offense” Nor does this bill address section 117.11 of the Criminal code that shifts “burden of proof” onto a gun owner that is charged. The crown does not have to prove a gun owner does not have a license – the gun… Read more »