EXCERPT FROM CSIA E-MAIL – January 21, 2017: A similar study was done by the former Ministry of the Environment over 10 years ago that went nowhere. The CSIA participated in that study. We were promised a copy of the 2004-2005 final report review and assessment within five years of the study which would have been by 2010. To date, we’ve not received the report. When we learned of the ‘new’ studies, the CSIA contacted the Honorable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, to question the wisdom of a repeat survey and to provide the Minister with some history regarding the first study.  The CSIA’s position is that it is best to not participate in this waste of time and resources. Please take a moment to read the letter to the Minister from President Kim Rhodes on behalf of the CSIA/CNSF as it explains our reasons for not participating in this latest initiative.


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Murray Martin
Murray Martin
8 years ago

Sportsmen should be come more active to protect their outdoor activities before they loose them completely. The anti movement in Canada is getting stronger while sportsmen ( all gender), are sitting back and letting the crush of the outdoor activities continues by anti financial backing ,both here as well as from the USA. Having been a Conservation Officer, patrolling as well as undertaking creel census for ten years on the busy St. Lawrence River in Ontario’s eastern counties, I found more deaths of fish from poor sewer systems and commercial poisonous industries, than from any chemicals coming from fishermen’s equipment… Read more »

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