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Ed Alllin
Ed Alllin
9 years ago

Dennis your are to be commended for your efforts on behalf of the people in Alberta and the rest of us gun owners across the country. I half expected the response you received, the NDP party manual lays out what will happen if they are successful in their bid to win the federal election. Harper is not perfect but is a lot better than the alternative. We can only hope that people see what has transpired in Alberta to know what lies ahead for the rest of the country.
Ed Allin, Sarnia, ON

Dave McMillan
Dave McMillan
9 years ago

The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission Quote “Any such further inquiry would be cost-prohibitive and not in the public interest.” What the R.C.M.P did in High River was so wrong and The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission is wrong. The C.R.C.C. are covering someone ass, somebody had to give the order for the R.C.M.P. to go and collect the guns. Why would they do that? Did the R.C.M.P. collect the guns in any other disasters? Is there going to be any compensation for the kick in door and scratch up guns? There is so much wrong in what the R.C.M.P… Read more »

9 years ago

all scum bags- criminal scum bags – the polices #1 duty is to uphold the law- PERIOD – they are in violation and are in fact CRIMINAL.. anyone who supports their efforts to cover this up and get away without facing their crimes are also guilty! Never Forget!!

Tomas Manasek
Tomas Manasek
9 years ago

The police action during the High River flood can be rightfully named as THE RAPE OF HIGH RIVER. Bureaucratic stupidity has violated civic rights and liberties on a scale that is not comparable to communist era in the former Soviet Block. In fact it would be hard to find a case like this even during the time of Nazi occupation of European countries (certainly with the exception of bombing the Warsaw Ghetto) . Yet accountability doesn’t exist in a country that is generally viewed as a democracy.

Allison Ellis
Allison Ellis
9 years ago

Thankyou Mr.Young for going above and beyond in the battle for Freedom in Canada,Your efforts are appreciated by a great number of people.

Wally Nussbaumer
Wally Nussbaumer
9 years ago

Did we actually expect something other than this from the NDP. Spineless communists that want more gun control as they do not believe Canadian citizens should own firearms. Once again the RCMP get away with criminal activity, seems they can now get away with anything they damn well please. No wonder the government want more gun control.

George H. Armstrong
George H. Armstrong
9 years ago

So, honestly now, what did people expect? The NDP are a Socialist party which believes in increasing the power of the State. Having a Police mechanism which cannot be held to account increases the power of the Police, who are, in turn, subservient to the State. This all goes toward the central goal (never stated) of increasing the power of the State. Alberta voters in the last election were distracted by smiles and promises, led astray by a manufactured hate (partly merited) for the party which had been in power. That party was replaced by the NDP through the mechanism… Read more »

Gary Froescul
Gary Froescul
9 years ago

This is to be expected from the NDP…………… Already can’t wait till the next provincial election.

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