Reform Canada’s Broken Firearm Prohibition Order System

Not only is Canada’s Firearm Prohibition Order system broken, it was designed to fail from the very start. This 45-page Special Report explains, in detail, everything wrong with our current Firearm Prohibition Order system and outlines a clear plan to fix it. The only question is… Will the federal government take the action required to keep Canadians safe? Or will they continue to pay lip service to Public Safety while doing nothing to stop violent, repeat offenders from illegally obtaining guns?  Today’s commentary is a lengthy excerpt from my latest Special Report “Designed to Fail: Canada’s Broken Firearm Prohibition Order System and How to Fix It”. A detailed investigation into how to fix Canada’s broken firearm prohibition order system takes a LOT of time, as does distilling all that research down to a coherent, if lengthy, 45-page report. I want to thank Dennis Young for his research into this issue over the years. I also want to publicly acknowledge his willingness to dig up various ATIP responses and research, as well as his willingness to offer his feedback on early versions of this report despite his own serious health challenges. Today’s commentary and this “Designed to Fail” Special Report would not be as thorough or as focused without his assistance. Thank you, Dennis! Stay happy, healthy and safe until common sense returns to our country. By Christopher di Armani – June 10, 2020

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