Firearm News for the week ending 2021-03-20

Opponents of gun control bill are denouncing Trudeau and no longer want him at Polytechnique commemorations

March 18, 2021

“It could be exactly the same with the same kind of weapon with the same kind of magazine,” she said. “So we wanted to say to Justin Trudeau, that he will not be welcome for us anymore at those commemoration days and we won’t smile with him. We won’t take pictures with him. We won’t salute him because he doesn’t deserve to be with us on those days.”



Oh, the delicious irony of Canada’s virtue signaling Prime Minister being banned from events dedicated to virtue signaling.


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Charles Norwood
Charles Norwood
3 years ago

Polysouvient is unhappy, to the surprise of absolutely nobody (except possibly Trudeau). One cannot console the inconsolable.
They want nothing short of total civilian disarmament, so of course these (or any other) measures will fall short of their expectations. So it goes when attempting to placate ideological extremists.
In this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I, for one, relish the idea of our dear PM being barred from attending their events. One less memorial to exploit for his own gain.

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