news update

Welcome to Dennis Young’s Weekly Email News Digest

Health Update:

Dennis Young went into hospice care on Monday. If you’re the praying kind, please pray for Dennis to filled with grace and strength as the end draws near. While he is a fighter, the decision to enter hospice was not an easy one and does not bode well for his recovery.

ATIP Updates

I’m still getting my head wrapped around all of Dennis’ outstanding ATIPs and Privacy Commissioner Complaints, so my update won’t happen until sometime next week.

If you have content you would like to see added to this weekly newsletter, please send your stories to

Yours in Liberty,

Christopher di Armani
Researcher for Dennis R. Young


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3 years ago

Ty Mr. Armani for your efforts in preserving the work, you must be the gentleman Mr. Young spoke about. We must as a community do the best to preserve the invaluable information/education that has been gifted to us and never forget how the perserverance, resiliency, and resolute of one man changed more than just minds. Big Love Mr.Young thank you for taking your time and energy to talk, I am honored, humbled, and inspired. LEST WE FORGET Father, your only Son took upon himself the sufferings and weakness of the whole human race. Through his passion and cross he taught… Read more »

3 years ago

To Dennis:

Thank you so much for the outstanding work you did. Your example of perseverance, dedication, and integrity is one to be emulated. God bless you!

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